Everybody needs a good laugh, and this past weekend I longed for some mad funny bone ticklage. Luckily, a friend recommended and brought over “Dinner for Schmucks” with Steve Carrel, Paul Rudd and a host of other comedic geniuses, and it was just what I needed, reminding me of the importance of comedy. However, I’m […]
Author Interview: Middle Grade Funny Man John Bladek
Debut middle grade author John Bladek has devoted most of his life to pondering the eternal question, “What stinks?” However, constantly holding his nose prevented him from growing up. Despite the nose pinching he managed to earn a PhD in History so he could put Dr. in front of his name and pretend to be […]
Part II — Annette Pollert: It’s a Dirty Job, But You’ve Gotta Do It: Advice for Revising Your Middle-Grade or Teen Manuscript
This post is Part II of the highlights from the SCBWI conference in Spokane, Washington. I had the pleasure of attending the conference this past Saturday and as always I learned a ton. If you missed it, my previous post Part I discussed BookStop Literary agent Kendra Marcus‘ lecture on The Picture Book in 2010 […]