I’m so excited to finally reveal the cover for my ghost-story novel, “Winterbay Abbey” today! I’ve been working on this project for two years with author John Bladek (“Lost in Ghostville”, Capstone Publishing). The concept and design was created by the very talented Scarlett Rugers. Scarlett is an award-winning designer for both traditional and independent […]
‘Seeing Red’ Cover and Synopsis Reveal
Super excited to finally be able to unveil my next project Seeing Red today. The very talented indie designer Scarlett Rugers created this lovely gem of a cover. If that wasn’t good enough, she put together a striking banner to match: Très magnifique! So, now for my last unveiling of the day, here is the synopsis for Seeing Red: […]
Scarlette Wins StoryFinds’ New Adult Cover Contest!
Scarlette won the New Adult Book Cover Contest on StoryFinds.com today! The very gorgeous cover, designed by Melbourne native Scarlett Rugers, took the lead by thirty votes. A big thanks to all who voted and put out the word! I couldn’t have won without you all! http://storyfinds.com/section/cover_poll