The Scarlette blog tour hosted by AToMR Tours has officially kicked off this week! To follow the tour, click here for the schedule, and a big thanks to the bloggers who are participating! Also, to celebrate the tour, Scarlette is being re-released this weekend and includes a new short story from the woodcutter, Francois’, perspective along with a […]
Happy Holidays: Free Kindle Download of Scarlette
Just some quick news. Scarlette will be offered to download for free on Christmas day and the day after (26th) on Amazon for Kindle. So, click here to download and unleash the creep-fest! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and happy reading!
A New, Dark YA Retelling of Little Red Riding Hood: Snag a *Free* Copy November 4th!
Hello, awesome fans of the beastly kind. My dark YA fairy tale retelling Scarlette officially released today! And as a free gift to awesometastic readers, I’m giving away Scarlette for FREE this weekend on Sunday, November 4th. What’s this YA paranormal book about, you may be wondering? Glad you asked: Scarlette, an 18-year-old peasant, lives […]
Werewolves, France, and Little Red Riding Hood: Interview with Davonna Juroe (D.L. King) on the Beast of Gévaudan Attacks
I was interviewed over at the She-Wolf blog and was able to discuss more in-depth about the 18th century Beast of Gévaudan attacks, and how I blended the “Little Red Riding Hood” tale with the historic monster for my YA “Scarlette.” To read the interview click here.
J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer: Writing in Secret
Writer and blogger Tymothy Longoria featured me on a guest post today on why many writers choose to write in secret. Here is the link to view the post: Rowling and Meyer: Writing in Secret.
A Haunted Boarding School in Oklahoma: Interview with Author Sonia Gensler
Sonia Gensler grew up in a small Tennessee town and spent her early adulthood collecting degrees from various Midwestern universities. A former high school English teacher, she now writes full time in Oklahoma. Over the past couple of weeks, I had the privilege of interviewing Sonia and was transported back in time listening to her […]
Funniest Middle Grade, Young Adult Novels, & Picture Books
Everybody needs a good laugh, and this past weekend I longed for some mad funny bone ticklage. Luckily, a friend recommended and brought over “Dinner for Schmucks” with Steve Carrel, Paul Rudd and a host of other comedic geniuses, and it was just what I needed, reminding me of the importance of comedy. However, I’m […]
Raising Byron, Keats, and Shelley from the Dead: Debut YA Author Interview with Ty Roth on ‘So Shelly’
Ty Roth. Remember that name, folks. Ty is about to go down in history for resurrecting the great Romantic poets in his new YA novel So Shelly (Random/Delacorte). With a Sociology degree from Xavier University and a Masters of English Literature from the University of Toledo, Ty teaches literature and composition at both the high […]
What the Librarian Knows: Trends in YA Literature
What are teens checking out? Do parents check out books with their teens? Do more teen girls use the library than teen boys? Look no further for these answers as fabulous teen librarian Melissa Wheelock is about to reveal all. Now starting her seventh year at her local public library, Melissa has always loved to […]
My Interview with Dorothy Dreyer
Aspiring author Dorothy Dreyer just interviewed me over on her blog We Do Write. In this tell all, I discuss the power of the dark side of “Little Red Riding Hood,” The Beast of Gévaudan, French history, oh, and time machines: Click here to read the interview
Is it Severus Wilde or Oscar Snape?
Couldn’t resist posting this. The resemblance is TOO mind-boggling! Snape has to be related to Wilde somehow, right?
What if Little Red Riding Hood had Really Lived?
That was the question that started it all. Back in January of 2010, I was very ill and knew I was going to be spending some hard time in bed and on the couch. I needed some type of artistic distraction besides writing to keep me sane, so I looked into finding cross-stitch patterns. After […]
Author Interview ~ Kelly Milner Halls: Queen of the Cryptids
In honor of the month of October and Halloween, my interview spotlight shines on the cryptid queen herself, Kelly Milner Halls. What is a cryptid, you ask? According to Wikipedia a cryptid “is a creature whose existence has been suggested but that is unrecognized by a scientific consensus, and whose existence is moreover often regarded […]
Author Interview: Middle Grade Funny Man John Bladek
Debut middle grade author John Bladek has devoted most of his life to pondering the eternal question, “What stinks?” However, constantly holding his nose prevented him from growing up. Despite the nose pinching he managed to earn a PhD in History so he could put Dr. in front of his name and pretend to be […]
Part II — Annette Pollert: It’s a Dirty Job, But You’ve Gotta Do It: Advice for Revising Your Middle-Grade or Teen Manuscript
This post is Part II of the highlights from the SCBWI conference in Spokane, Washington. I had the pleasure of attending the conference this past Saturday and as always I learned a ton. If you missed it, my previous post Part I discussed BookStop Literary agent Kendra Marcus‘ lecture on The Picture Book in 2010 […]
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